Basic Laws

Visa Act (AufenthG)
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 6 Visa
Residence Act – AufenthG
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 7 Residence Permit
Extension of Residence Permit
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 8 Extension of Residence Permit
18a Skilled Workers with Vocational Training
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18a Skilled Workers with Vocational Training
18b Skilled Workers with Academic Education
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18b Skilled Workers with Academic Education
18c Permanent Residence Permit for Skilled Workers
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18c Permanent Residence Permit for Skilled Workers
18g EU Blue Card
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18g EU Blue Card
19c Other Employment Purposes; Civil Servants
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 19c Other Employment Purposes; Civil Servants
20a Opportunity Card; Regulatory Authority
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 20a Opportunity Card; Regulatory Authority
25a Residence Permit for Well-Integrated Adolescents and Young Adults
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 25a Residence Permit for Well-Integrated Adolescents and Young Adults
25b Residence Permit for Sustainable Integration
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 25b Residence Permit for Sustainable Integration
81a Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 81a Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure
10. Almanya'da Sığınma ve Sürekli Oturma İzni Prosedürleri Yeni Bir Hayata Doğru Adım Adım
104 Transitional Provisions
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 104 Transitional Provisions
104c Opportunity Residence Permit
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 104c Opportunity Residence Permit

Alternativkraft GmbH – Beratungsleistungen für Migration, Arbeitserlaubnis, berufliche Qualifikationen und Geschäftsentwicklung


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