Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 6 Visa
Residence Act – AufenthG
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 7 Residence Permit
Extension of Residence Permit
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 8 Extension of Residence Permit
18a Skilled Workers with Vocational Training
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18a Skilled Workers with Vocational Training
18b Skilled Workers with Academic Education
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18b Skilled Workers with Academic Education
18c Permanent Residence Permit for Skilled Workers
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18c Permanent Residence Permit for Skilled Workers
18g EU Blue Card
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 18g EU Blue Card
19c Other Employment Purposes; Civil Servants
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 19c Other Employment Purposes; Civil Servants
20a Opportunity Card; Regulatory Authority
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 20a Opportunity Card; Regulatory Authority
25a Residence Permit for Well-Integrated Adolescents and Young Adults
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 25a Residence Permit for Well-Integrated Adolescents and Young Adults
25b Residence Permit for Sustainable Integration
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 25b Residence Permit for Sustainable Integration
81a Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 81a Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure
104 Transitional Provisions
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 104 Transitional Provisions
104c Opportunity Residence Permit
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory 1) (Residence Act – AufenthG) § 104c Opportunity Residence Permit
Alternativkraft GmbH – Beratungsleistungen für Migration, Arbeitserlaubnis, berufliche Qualifikationen und Geschäftsentwicklung